Creation of a flagship website for Sciences Po Executive Education.

Sciences Po Executive Education Digital

Success story for the new website "Sciences Po Executive Education Digital"

Creation of a website dedicated to the new digital training course of Sciences Po Executive Education. Designed and developed in no time, this new communication tool meets the initial specifications :

- Establishing Sciences Po Executive Education as an expert in digital transformation for an audience of executives and managers

- Creating a tool dedicated to marketing and educational teams to increase the visibility of the offer

- Combining innovation and high requirement

Type Website

Supports Desktop, tablets, mobiles

Client Sciences Po.

Missions Artistic Direction, UX design, Development


A modern design that inherits from the history and strength of Sciences Po.

Sciences Po Digital - tablettesSciences Po Digital - tablettes



A 100% digital design, fully responsive.

Sciences Po Digital - menusSciences Po Digital - menus
Sciences Po Digital - ordinateursSciences Po Digital - ordinateurs
Sciences Po Digital - supports homeSciences Po Digital - supports home