A unique and interactive timeline. Discover 170 years of history of Sciences Po, the famous political science school based in Paris.
The digital timeline of Sciences Po
A communication and mediation tool for Sciences Po
Recognizing the rich heritage of its institution, the famous school decided to find a new way to highlight its collective memory. A digital timeline in the form of a website was born.
This educational and narrative tool displays in an elegant and modern way the history of the place, its events, its key figures. Developed in html5 and css3 , the website also works well on desktop as tablet.
Type Website
Supports Desktop, Tablet
Client Sciences Po
Missions UX Design, Interactive conception, Artistic direction, Development

The website consists of a timeline, somes stories and portraits as well as an interactive map to explore the Sciences Po network.

A rich and editorialized content accessible on desktop and tablet. An elegant and simple design for a very famous institution.